Official website for the I São Paulo School on Gravitational Physics

Page by GraSPSchool Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme based on "Midnight", by mattgraham


Registration form: The official online registration system will be conducted by the Institute of Physics at the University of São Paulo. It is available at this website. Unfortunately, it is in Portuguese, but we have written a guide on how to register. Please click here to access the guide. Registration should be open until July 08, 2024 (we recommend registering early to avoid possible issues with timezones).

Confirmation e-mail: upon making your registration in the link above, you will receive an automatic e-mail in Portuguese. The e-mail describes the selection process for “admission” in the school, but we intend to accept all applications within the limits of the virtual rooms (which support around 300 people at a time).

Course selection form: The registration system provided by the University of São Paulo cannot deal with the selection of minicourses within a larger event. For this reason, we created this form for you to select the minicourses of your interest. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please notice that an ID (usually a passport number or a Brazilian document) is necessary for the emission of the certificate. Certificates will only be issued upon attendance to 75% of the classes of a given minicourse.

Please do not apply for two simultaneous courses. If it is found that you registered for two simultaneous courses and had the necessary attendance in both of them, none of the certificates will be issued.

The classes will be recorded unless the lecturer chooses otherwise. By registering to a course, you agree with this and with the video being later shared on YouTube.