Official website for the I São Paulo School on Gravitational Physics

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The Physics of the Early Universe

Lecturer: Rosa Laura Lechuga Solis, MSc (ICN-UNAM, México)

Schedule: July 15 to July 19 (5 classes), all at 14h00 (BRT)/17h00 (UTC). One must attend at least 4 classes to receive a certificate.

Workload: 10h

Topics: 1. Motivation (naturalness problems) 2. Expansion 3. Power spectrum 4. Generation of quantum fluctuations 5. Problems with inflation.

Pre-requisites: A standard introductory course in general relativity.


  1. Daniel Baumann. “TASI Lectures on Inflation”. 2012. arXiv: 0907.5424 [hep-th].
  2. Julien Lesgourgues. Inflationary Cosmology. Lecture notes. 2006.
  3. Steven Weinberg. Cosmology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.