Official website for the I São Paulo School on Gravitational Physics

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Gravitational Lenses

Lecturer: Dr. André Zamorano Vitorelli, PhD (NASA/JPL)

Schedule: July 15 to July 19 (5 classes), all at 10h00 (BRT)/13h00 (UTC). One must attend at least 4 classes to receive a certificate.

Workload: 10h

Topics: 1. Introduction, history, propagation of light in curved spaces. 2. Study of the lens equation and its consequences. 3. Strong gravitational lenses: gravitational arcs, supernovae and multiple imaging, microlenses. 4. Weak gravitational lenses: galaxy clusters, galaxy-galaxy. 5. Short review of cosmology, cosmic shear, open problems.

Pre-requisites: A standard introductory course in general relativity.


  1. Peter Schneider, Jürgen Ehlers e Emilio E. Falco. Gravitational Lenses. Astronomy and Astrophysics Library. Berlin: Springer, 1992.
  2. Peter Schneider. “Weak Gravitational Lensing”. In: Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak and Micro. Saas-Fee Advanced Course 33. Berlin: Springer, 2006, pp. 269–451. arXiv: astro-ph/0509252.
  3. Martin Kilbinger. “Cosmology with Cosmic Shear Observations: A Review”. Reports on Progress in Physics 78.8 (2015), 086901. arXiv: 1411.0115 [astro-ph.CO].
  4. Rachel Mandelbaum. “Weak Lensing for Precision Cosmology”. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 56.1 (2018), pp. 393–433. arXiv: 1710.03235 [astro-ph.CO].
  5. Keiichi Umetsu. “Cluster-Galaxy Weak Lensing”. The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 28.1 (2020), p. 7. arXiv: 2007.00506[astro-ph.CO].